It's time for a Fourth of July Sale. So enjoy Buy one Get one at 30% off. Valid in store only. #BOGO #Sale #FourthOfJuly...
SummerSOULstice & Peaches
Are you a fan of Peaches and Chocolate City Burlesque? We'll here's the deal of a lifetime. Attend the Chocolate City Burlesque show this...
Spring Summer 16 Fashion Show
It's official! Our Spring/Summer 2016 Fashion is sold out! Sucks you missed out but here's another chance. Be one of the first five...
Come out to Unfastened DC's open stage Grand Reopening reception and show! Doors open at 9pm! Featuring: Adora Butch Usagi Bum-Bum ...
Fan of Project Runway?
Fan of Project Runway? Why not apply! We’re thrilled to offer designers exposure to an enormous television audience, the opportunity to...
Black Friday Sale
It's time for Black Friday Sales! Take 20% off all week long and join us on Black Friday for: . DJ BVST spinning tunes . Complimentary...
One Year Anniversary
#event #dance #promo #promotion #free #oneyearstrong #punk #rock #rosiesandrockers #dj #raffle #prizes #930clubcom
UpComing Shows @Rosies and Rockers
Check out the upcoming shows we have planned for you! 2.Sunday, March 29th Sasha Lord and Yoga District present Doomasana FREE / 2pm /...
Thank ON TAP Magazine!
Always happy when people spread the love! #promo #promotions #ONTAPMAGAZINE #PRINT
FREE Barf Troop Fem Rap Trio @ Rosies and Rockers
Female Rappers invade Rosies and Rockers Feb 20th. Members of Barf Troop alongside a DJ perform all night while you enjoy some...